Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Introducing....Mason Chan....weighing in at 7Lbs, 8oz., 19.5 inches long....

He's here! Our little boy made a "splashing" entrance into this world at 12:52PM, on Monday, April 30, 2007. He was the best birthday present his dad could ever ask for. Why did I say splashing?? Well....lets just say there was a corked-bottle effect when he made his entrance, with amniotic fluid and meconium pushing him out like a cork. OK...I'll spare you the details.

Rebecca did great during this whole process. Here was the timeline:

Sunday, April 29th - Rebecca felt tightness/contractions in the late evening. She started timing them around 11:30PM. They were 3-7 minutes apart, lasting close to a minute. She was able to talk through them and they felt like menstrual cramps.

Monday, April 30th - 1:30AM We packed up and headed to the hospital after talking to the oncall doctor. We checked in at 2AM, and after monitoring the contractions, they checked us in. Contractions worsened but Rebecca didn't want epidural yet. Doctor came in around 4AM and broke Rebecca's water. Contractions worsened. Rebecca had the epidural at around 6:00AM. She was dialated to about 7cm. We took a nap from 7-9AM as the contractions continued. She didn't feel a thing...great epidural! At noon, she was fully dialated, and the baby was very low. The pushing began. Mason was born at 12:52PM. In attendance....Rebecca, Brian, Rebecca's stepmom, Brian's mom, and Brian's sister Lisa.

We've had lots of visitors and phone calls. Rebecca hasn't had the energy to call everyone back, but she wants to say thank you! Here's some pictures to enjoy. Who does he look like??


Blogger Winnie said...

Congrats. I'm so excited for you guys. Rebecca is looking great! He looks like one of our kids. He a cutie

May 02, 2007 1:31 PM  
Blogger Juli Chan said...

Thanks for the pics. He is soooo cute; we love the awesome black hair. You did good Rebecca:)

May 02, 2007 7:06 PM  

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